Thursday 27 February 2014

Week 4- Declan and Madhav

Today Bertie the bear is going home today, who will get him? We sang Happy in assembly. We have been learning about brain foods. This week we did our P.A.T tests. In reading we have been learning about visualising. we have had are first singing. At singing we learnt a Samoan song. Some people in our class will be competing in the Top Schools event on Sunday. Miss Hopkins finally remembered to let us do our buddy test for spelling. We have been making visualising posters. We have been setting our writing goals and we looked at a piece of writing called 'The Ram' which shows the Year 4 standard. We had GTT this week and we made corgette quiche, sweetcorn salad and beans. We have used the iPads this week, a lot!

Thursday 20 February 2014

Week 3- Jolie and Jana-Lee

Today we have a new buddy class and we played with them at moring tea. They are Room 10 and they are Year 1 students. We finished our paintings and we got our school photos. Rex from the junior side came over this morning for maths. This week we have almost finshed our pizza investegation. We learned a new song called 'Feel inside'. Bad news, Miss Hopkins left Bertie in the washing machine! Hopefully he is ready next week to come home with some lucky person.

The start of our new furniture

Monday 17 February 2014

Thursday 13 February 2014

Week 2- Whole class

This week we did some more art. We are paintng self portraits. We made some surveys about pizzas. We are are starting to do a statisitcal investigation about pizza day. We went to Garden to Table for the first time and we made some delicious bread sticks and crustini.

Click here to take survey

Survey Monkey

Today we will be using Survey Monkey to find out what everyone's favourtite pizza toppping is. Follow this link to see how the survey works.

Monday 10 February 2014

Week 1- Nina and Ruby

This is our first week back at school. We made a video clip of the song Happy by Pharrell. We have been learning our Pepeha which means we can introduce ourselves in Maori. We have spoken about Responsibilities and came up with some for the children and teacher in Room 23. We made some hands to sign our treaty to say that we all agreed. We have been reading about Willy the Wimp. We started doing some art which we will finish next week.