Thursday 29 May 2014

Week 4- Cate and Mustafa

This week we did our Quizathon test and we did wonderfully well! And then we tested our buddies. At assembly it was Room 34/35's turn to do assembly. They made a song about the Seasons. This week we wrote pourquoi stories and published them on the computers and iPads. They will be on our writing blog very soon. We found out how to ask what the weather is like in different parts of New Zealand e.g. He aha te ahua o te rangi ki Auckland (Tamakimakaurau)? He rangi.....We did a special mission to find Bertie around the school. We had to direct him back to our class using marker points and technical language e.g. half turn anticlockwise, quarter turn clockwise.

Have a great long weekend everyone!

Thursday 22 May 2014

Week 3- Whole Class

This week Chanel got our citizenship cup. Congratulations Chanel! We think you are kind, nice, help us, good sportsmanship, and follows the class treaty. This week was science week and we have been doing some experiments. Olivia and Rayan went on stage and answered some Quizathon questions. They got 3 questions correct! WELL DONE. We have been continuing with our dance with Bree. We started planning a garden for our client Miss Hopkins. We needed to create a path or courtyard using tessellations. A wall using translations. Some trees or a butterfly using symmetry.Today Bertie is going home with someone. We hope that everyone remembers to be respectful and responsible when writing comments on our blog.

Monday 19 May 2014

Quizathon- Day 6

What is the capital city of NZ? What is the longest river in the world?

Dance with Bree

This is our third week of dance lessons with Bree the dance teacher. Our song is called 'Waiting on the world to change'. 

Sunday 18 May 2014

Quizathon Day 5

What is the largest lake in New Zealand?

What is the northern most city in New Zealand?

Name the 3rd largest island of New Zealand.

Thursday 15 May 2014

Week 2- Tate and Joshua

We went on our trip to Stardome and we climbed all the way to the top of One Tree Hill. It was tiring but we made it. .Next week it is our citezen cup. People will be taking home snowboard and ski notices to join the school ski team. They are now doing French class at school too. This week we been learning how to write an explanation. For Topic we have been learning about Change and how night and day occur. We have also been learning Maori words for weather. This week we learnt more dance moves for our dance. The music we are using is called 'Waiting on the world to change'. We did some writing about what a good friend is. In maths we have been learning about Multiplication and Division.

Wednesday 14 May 2014

Quizathon Day 3

What is the tallest mountain in NZ?
Mt Cook Oaraki

What does EFTPOS stand for?
Electronic funds transfer point of sale

Monday 12 May 2014

Time Zones

Check out different countries around the world. Work out how far behind or ahead of us they are and write in the comment box below.

Quizathon- Day 2

What does SPCA stand for?
Society for the Protection of Cruelty for Animals

What is the NZ emergency phone number?

Sunday 11 May 2014

Quiazthon- Day 1

Who was the first New Zealander who climbed Mount Everest?
Sir Edmund Hillary

Who is a famous opera singer?
Kiri Te Kanawa

In what year was the Treaty of Waitangi signed?

Thursday 1 May 2014

Bertie goes to Wellington

Today me and Bertie went on a plane to Wellington. We went up on the cable car to see the view.