Sunday 31 August 2014

Week 6- Whole Class

Sora won our citizenship cup! Well done Sora. Last week it was book week and we had a dress up day, book swap and a house quiz to celebrate. Charlotte and Charlotte.F had a two person costume. We also had crazy hair day. We had GTT after a long time and we also have it this week. Mrs Masters said we had to keep the soil damp in our mushrooms by watering them everyday. We started our Art Rotation last week and we get to choose painting, printmaking, mixed media, metal work or sculpture to present our ideas about nature. Last week was also the first day for our art extension group. Last week Cate represented out school in the Ski Team and she came 44th out of 160. Awesome work Cate! This week is our last week to reach our reading total...we have 180 something so far.

Monday 25 August 2014

Book character dress up day

Well done to all of those who dressed up as their favourite character today. It was so cool to see everyone in the parade at lunchtime.

Thursday 21 August 2014

Week 5- Ella W and Caroline

On Thursday we went to the Arataki Visitors Centre in the Waitakere Ranges. We went on a bush walk and our guide told us there was a good reason at the start to bring possums into New Zealand. We learnt about Manuka and Kanuka trees and what the differences were. They used to use Rimu and Kauri to make houses but now they don't. We were also told that in the bushman days they used Rimu as a comb. We learnt about the Kauri tree and one of the oldest ones got burnt down in a fire. There was a disease that doesn't hurt us but it is killing Kauri trees so we had to spray our shoes before we went on the walk. It is book week next week and on Tuesday we are going to dress up as our favourite book character. On Thursday is Wacky Hair Day to raise money for the PTA. This Monday we had Teachers Only Day so we had a holiday. Next week is our Citizenship Cup so Miss H will be looking for a great citizen in our class.

Wednesday 13 August 2014

Paper Sculpture

Today we created some 3D paper sculptures. We had to be as creative as we could and use all the following techniques:
- Rolling
- Tabs
- Joining without tape
- Make it 3D
Everyone did a great job!

Book Week

Creative Writing Competition
Children are encouraged to write about an adult that is special to them and hand this into their classroom teacher by Thursday, 28 August in time to be judged and be in to win one of 3 book vouchers.

Room 23 have been challenged to read 200 books this month. We started this week. All of the books need to be chapter books of an appropriate level (not too easy). Each person should aim to read at least 2-3 books each week.

Some people were even reading before school!

Thursday 7 August 2014

Week 3- Whole Class

This week we had Cross Country and it was a rainy, wet day. All of our class tried extremely hard and ran nearly all of the way. Congratulations to Ruby, Carlotta, Lucy, Joshua, Zach and Cate who came in the top 10 for the Year 4s. We have a new student in our class and her name is Ella.W and she has come all the way from Leeds, England. We started the KOS programme this week and Constable Gordon came to teach a lesson today about safe and unsafe situations. We made some book covers in reading about the novels we have been reading. Olivia and Charlotte.S competed in the Eastern Suburbs gym competition and the Year 4 team was placed first and Charlotte came 3rd overall. We are very proud of them. Some people had their hearing and vision tested this week. We also had parent teacher interviews this week and we spoke a lot about the following things:
- Making good choices about our behaviour and listening on the mat.
- Choosing a working space that we can concentrate and complete our work to the best of our abilities.
It was Room 30/31's assembly today. Liberty received the certificate for Honesty this week.