Thursday 25 September 2014

Week 10- Harriet

It is the last day of Term 3 ;) We visited our buddy class today and we did some reading with them, then they shared their writing books. It was the Club Celebration evening this Wednesday and we had some people performing in the Choir, Ukuelele, South East Asian Dance, Chinese Dance and Aboriginal Dance groups. Some people from our class are going to present some information about Communication in assembly today. Yesterday some people came to school (including teachers) dressed in orange to celebrate the election win last week. We won our hockey games against Room 33 and 35, it was great fun. We made some maths board games and we had to make sure they were fair for all players. Today we wrote some reflections about this term and came up with some goals for next term. It is Caroline's bday, happy birthday! Miss H is very proud of all of us this term because we have been working really hard to achieve our learning goals. WELL DONE EVERYONE AND HAVE A GREAT HOLIDAY!!!!!

Sunday 21 September 2014

Science Experiments

This week for our homework challenge we had to do a science experiment. We had some great examples and lots of people wanted to share them with the class. We even had a demonstration in class this morning. Awesome work everyone!
Caroline did the milk experiment at home

Cate's milk experiment

Rayan and Charlotte both looked at osmosis

Carlotta looked at how oil separates two liquids

Jana Lee's experiment was about moving pepper

Thursday 18 September 2014

Week 9- Whole Class

This week it was the art exhibition and our class canvas sold for the highest price. Congratulations to Rayan's family who got to take it home. The 5+ a day elections were held today and Orange was the winner. The teams campaigned to get people to vote for them just like the read election. This week we have been giving our artist presentations, we had lots of great information and spoke clearly to entertain the audience. Also we learnt a lot about famous artists. We finally counted our total for the book challenge and we got 308 books! Smashed our target by 108 books, awesome reading everyone. We finally finished most of our narratives and they are ready to publish. We even emailed them home so we can open them in iBooks. This week we have tried out a new programme called Studyladder where we can practice our reading comprehension. In maths we have been learning about Probability which is about chance. We had to decide if things are likely or unlikely. In Maori we learnt about our feelings. You have to ask "Kei te pehea koe?.

Wednesday 17 September 2014


This week we are starting an investigation into probability and chance. Is it likely or unlikely? Fair or unfair? We played some games and recorded our results to see if they were fair.

Monday 15 September 2014

Art Exhibition

Wow! What an amazing job all the Year 4s have done with their artwork. I'm looking forward to the auction tomorrow night. It is great to see so many of them clearly communicating the message that we need to treasure nature.

Thursday 11 September 2014

Week 8- Liberty and Zoe

We have been writing narratives about being in the bush. We had to include speech, problem and resolution, setting, the character's secret, and it had to be entertaining for the reader.  They are being published on Book Creator and we will share them next week. Tonight is the crazy hair disco. Today we are having a sports assembly and some people from our class will be getting certificates. This week Charlotte and Olivia competed at the Auckland wide gymnastics competition and Charlotte was placed second overall. CONGRATULATIONS! It was Ella's and Sora's birthdays this week, happy birthday! It was the Year 6 production this week. These are our favourite parts:
Charlotte F- In Alice and Wonderland my favourite was the Mad Hatters Tea Party.
Harriet- In Hansel and Gretel I liked the shop where all the crazy pets were because it was really funny.
Liberty- When the police man came and knocked out the Wolf in Little Red Riding Hood.
Caroline- In Alice in Wonderland I liked the talking flowers.
Olivia- I liked it when in Little Red Riding hood her mum said take this seat and she took it away.
Joshua- Zoe's brother was funny as Grandma.
Nina- When Zoe's brother said "I'm getting thinner" instead of "getting dinner."

Wednesday 10 September 2014

Environmental art

This week we looked at artists who create art using sustainable materials found in the environment. We gave it a go down in the gully.

Tuesday 9 September 2014

Audience Circle

This week we are finishing off our narrative stories. We have to work through the publishing process and step number 3 is to share with an audience to get some feedback.

We have to give our group 2 tickled pink comments and one green for growth. Here is the success criteria for our writing:
- Introduce characters
- Describe setting
- Problem
- Resolution
- Show not tell the reader
- Entertain the reader
- Use descriptive language

Here is Madhav, Liberty, Tate and Hannah giving some feedback in their Audience Circle.