Thursday 11 September 2014

Week 8- Liberty and Zoe

We have been writing narratives about being in the bush. We had to include speech, problem and resolution, setting, the character's secret, and it had to be entertaining for the reader.  They are being published on Book Creator and we will share them next week. Tonight is the crazy hair disco. Today we are having a sports assembly and some people from our class will be getting certificates. This week Charlotte and Olivia competed at the Auckland wide gymnastics competition and Charlotte was placed second overall. CONGRATULATIONS! It was Ella's and Sora's birthdays this week, happy birthday! It was the Year 6 production this week. These are our favourite parts:
Charlotte F- In Alice and Wonderland my favourite was the Mad Hatters Tea Party.
Harriet- In Hansel and Gretel I liked the shop where all the crazy pets were because it was really funny.
Liberty- When the police man came and knocked out the Wolf in Little Red Riding Hood.
Caroline- In Alice in Wonderland I liked the talking flowers.
Olivia- I liked it when in Little Red Riding hood her mum said take this seat and she took it away.
Joshua- Zoe's brother was funny as Grandma.
Nina- When Zoe's brother said "I'm getting thinner" instead of "getting dinner."

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