Thursday 27 November 2014

Week 7- Thom and Ella W

This week we started on some designs for a swinging chair structure. On Thursday we had a sing a long night on the field and it was awesome. In writing we have been finishing off our dinosaur report writing. You can check them out on our wall or on our writing blog. Chanel, Caroline and Hannah went to the cricket tournament on Tuesday and they came third overall. Rayan also went on Wednesday and they came 3rd. We have been working on our structure for the garden. We have decided on railway sleepers to use as the material. We had to work out how tall it had to be so we could fit underneath, how far apart each post was going to be and we tried to figure out the angle of the posts. We read a book about Resilience and we can talk about this at home with our parents. Today we created our own dinosaur by thinking of it's special features. Some of the examples were:
The Ratasaurus
Rooster Rex

New dinosaur discovered

Thursday 20 November 2014

Well done Nina!

Week 6- Whole Class

Over the last two weeks we have been researching and sorting information about Dinosaurs to present to the class. We could choose how we presented our work; iMovie, Power Point, Mobile, Book, eBook, Poster or Keynote. Here are some of the finished ones. What an amazing job everybody has done! Carlotta and Ruby Madhav and Tate Olivia Harriet and Mustafa Hannah Jana-Lee Ella R Lucy and Caroline Tishaan Zoe Zach Declan Ella.W

Recycling Challenge

This week as a bonus challenge we could make something using materials from our recycling. What creative and amazing things these people made!

Sunday 9 November 2014


This morning we did some investigation about 1 square metre. The first challenge was making a square metre from newpaper. We then estimated the area of the netball court.12m wide and 25m long. How would we calculate the area in square metres?

Thursday 6 November 2014

Week 4- Whole Class

This Tuesday we had Athletics Day. Ruby came first in the 400m race, Thom and Nina came first in standing long jump, Zach came fourth in the 400m and 2nd in the long jump, we came 2nd in the class relay, Nina also came 3rd in long jump,  and Joshua won the 60m sprint and Ruby came second. Lots of people got placed in the 60m sprint heats, we were very speedy! Today we went to visit our buddy class. We have been learning about classroom objects and we asked the question 'He aha tenei?' What is this? 'He pene tenei' This is a pen. In topic we are designing a play object for the garden. We had some special visitors come to speak to us who were playground designers. A guy from The Roots organisation came to speak to us about a sculpture they are making in Silo Park. We are going to make pictures to go inside.

Travelwise Survey

Answer all 5 questions in the survey.