Thursday 6 November 2014

Week 4- Whole Class

This Tuesday we had Athletics Day. Ruby came first in the 400m race, Thom and Nina came first in standing long jump, Zach came fourth in the 400m and 2nd in the long jump, we came 2nd in the class relay, Nina also came 3rd in long jump,  and Joshua won the 60m sprint and Ruby came second. Lots of people got placed in the 60m sprint heats, we were very speedy! Today we went to visit our buddy class. We have been learning about classroom objects and we asked the question 'He aha tenei?' What is this? 'He pene tenei' This is a pen. In topic we are designing a play object for the garden. We had some special visitors come to speak to us who were playground designers. A guy from The Roots organisation came to speak to us about a sculpture they are making in Silo Park. We are going to make pictures to go inside.

1 comment:

  1. wow that sounded very cool at glen innes we had to do 100meter run and i came second.we also have a race and it is called the egg race that was about 300meter and i came first it sounds esay but relly when your up close it is huge.eney way just came to see how you all are doing.from Jolie
