Thursday 6 March 2014

Week 5- Whole Class

This week we did our own kid blog to share our learning goals. Miss H will put the details at the end of this post. It's Sea Week and we have been talking about taking responsibility for the sea. We went out with Mrs Elmore to see the junior orchard and she talked to us about seasonal food. WE GOT OUR NEW FURNITURE!!!!! YAY! We had to take our old desks to the junior side, phew. Room 21/20 did the first assembly for the year about sea safety. We start swimming on Monday...don't forget your togs, towels and goggles.

To get to the Reflection Zone....follow the link from the class blog. This will take you to the homepage. Find your name and then select log in. Once you are there it will ask for your class URL which is:
MsHopkinssClass-3 (copy all letters correctly)
Then choose your name and type in the password.


  1. I like our new furniture.

  2. Wow tate you look happy and so does room 23:)!*:):):)
